Yisela's user avatar
Yisela's user avatar
Yisela's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
16 votes

We have a new moderator!

14 votes

A list of 'snippets' for commenting

13 votes

Why do how-to requests bother you?

12 votes

Why don't you downvote?

11 votes

How should we deal with questions that border on illegal activity (ID Fraud)

9 votes

Material Design tag?

9 votes

The problem with changing titles from rough English to exact term

9 votes

Popular questions about Graphic Design - Start Here

7 votes

Why are comments repeatedly removed?

7 votes

Do all my screenshots need to be in English?

7 votes

Now that 3D is in our scope, let's decide which aspects are on topic

7 votes

Saturday chat critique

6 votes

Are web-page feedback questions on topic?

6 votes

"GUI design" and "user interface" tags should be synonyms

6 votes

UPDATED (March 14): Design for graphicdesign.se

6 votes

If we wanted to write tutorials or explanations for work done how would we go about doing that?

6 votes

Is there a stack exchange graphic design careers site?

5 votes

How to handle link-rot

5 votes

Why can't we have additional mods instead of replacing the current ones?

5 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

5 votes

Font identification requests: Teach a man to fish?

5 votes

Hats, or no hats? (2014 redux)

5 votes

Do we still feel like 3D questions are out of scope here?

5 votes

Silex, in or out

5 votes

What are our custom "Off-Topic" reasons?

4 votes

What Are The Rules For Chat?

4 votes

Do we allow answers with attachments?

4 votes

Are How-To questions still off topic?

4 votes

Are we so experts to not accept new naive questions?

4 votes

Should edit points be reverted when the question is closed / deleted?