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11 votes

The accepted answer and not accepted answer blips have quite similar color

I personally don't experience this, but I seem to have pretty good colour vision. I can imagine that with less-optimal colour vision, the difference may be insufficient. Not everyone's cones are as ...
Vincent's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you turn off the new skin?

To get the Open Sans font back, add this as a user style. You can either use an extension, or your browser's built-in capabilities. Google will tell you how to do it. @import url('https://fonts....
PieBie's user avatar
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3 votes

I want the old question layout back!

Here's some CSS that puts the old layout back. Kinda. It's not perfect, but it'll do. It also forces the numbers column on the left to be 200px wide. So it's not responsive. But if you're on a laptop ...
PieBie's user avatar
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1 vote

New look on /users page?

They seem to have fixed it now and placed it back to the old normal look: And on meta:
Welz's user avatar
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