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8 votes

Why was my comment of helpful resources removed?

I was the one who deleted it. Your exact comment was: The core approach is firing an animation using either the intersection observer API or simply the scroll position of the page. A good article ...
PieBie's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is there a question with tags on freelance, business, clients on Graphic Design SE?

There seem to be some misconceptions here: Client relations, freelancing, etc. are on-topic here. This is why we have tags for them. In contrast to some other places on the Internet, tags are not ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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6 votes

How should the canned comments in the low-quality queue be used?

TL;DR: The canned comments are really just what you see; there is no hidden function. Use them only when they really apply and provide useful guidance. What does it do? If you choose a comment from ...
5 votes

Why is there a question with tags on freelance, business, clients on Graphic Design SE?

(I'm not a moderator) Freelancing.SE is a beta site. GraphicDesign.SE is not a beta site. The question was on topic at both sites. It's customary to allow the user to choose which site they feel a ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 vote

A list of 'snippets' for commenting

These are the canned comments available from the Low Quality Posts review queue (useful if you want to use these outside of review)... This is commentary on another post, not an answer This does ...

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