My proposal is to allow all of CSS-centric/HTML-inclusive questions to be asked for the time being and let the community decide by voting—but not by closing, but just voting the question up and down—seeing which questions gain traction and which wither, and updating the scope to match what works for the community. This comes with two caveats:
- If a question is purely HTML (which
means the developer is leaving all
of the formatting up to the browser),
or related at all to the backend of a
website, then it should be migrated.
- If the question is focused on CSS,
then it should be allowed to stay and
see if an answer is given.
Here's why:
As far as I'm concerned web design is always going to be a fuzzy area for GD because it draws in so many disciplines; CSS and HTML work in conjunction to create a design, although more of the design actually happens on the CSS these days and I don't think that is going to change.
I'm taking my cue from the Apple.SE site, where this came up about iOS questions related to how the App Store works. App Store questions aren't allowed on Stackoverflow or Programmers.SE, which leaves Apple.SE. They are not entirely out of scope for Apple.SE, but they also don't get much traction either. Occasionally there is the odd spike of questions, but then they all just sort of drift off, and the numbers on Apple.SE are high enough to support those unanswered questions.
Overall, I think all web design questions should be given a chance here because web design is arguably as important as print design and the two, oftentimes, go hand-in-hand with larger organizations. There are a lot of design issues that are applicable to both contexts.
All that being said, I think both actions—keeping the first and migrating the second—were the right thing to do.
As I said in my comments, the first question was something directly related to a design issue: the height of a drop shadow. I see no difference between that and asking a question about creating drop shadows in Photoshop. It can be easily argued that since CSS isn't always consistent between browsers that the first question should have been treated the same as the second question. It could very well be the answer is that it is a browser problem, but it doesn't change the fact that drop-shadows are design elements and the question should be allowed to stay.
The second question wasn't necessarily about a design issue per se, but more about creating a consistent layout across browsers. That's a much more technical discussion than just futzing with a drop-shadow because that gets into the vagaries of each of the browsers'.
Not much of answer, I know, but that would seem to me to be the StackExchange way of doing things. HTML/CSS design questions are very wide-ranging in scope, and I don't think this question is going to be answered here and now. More information is needed to sort this one out.