I know printing in general is on topic as it's already being discussed; but I'm wanting to ask several questions regarding screen printing techniques, tips and tricks.
Since this is on the verge of being fine art questions, would they be out of scope?
Ok so I should have searched before asking, so I'll make this question more specific than the previous Are screen printing questions on topic? question.
I'm looking to ask questions about:
- recommended inks for specific projects
- when to use a particular type of screen printing (stencil, photo emulsion, block out, etc)
- differences in process from printing on fabrics to printing on paper and what to consicer
- etc.
My arguments FOR these being on topic are that printmaking is a required feild of study at some/most schools when majoring in Graphic Design. Before computers, understanding printmaking was essential in designing work as knowing how the design would be displayed was part of the design solution (and it still should be today). Printmaking is an essential part of the history of graphic design.