I really struggled with the decision to post this.....
I'm certain it will be perceived as insubordinate or inflammatory when really it is not intended to be. Believe it or not, I'm smiling. I'm light-hearted and in a good mood. I'm not angry with anyone. I don't wish to prove any point. I have no "dog in this fight". I'm merely posting my perception of this stance by moderators.
A bit of history for those unaware.... I was a daily contributor to this site for nearly 4 years. Saw it graduate from beta. Saw all the moderators become moderators. However, I've been away from this site for about 6 months now. I was essentially driven away by "drama". I truly hate it. And I find internet drama just deplorable and unsavory in any form.
It was honestly my hope that being away for several months would let the drama die and I could go back to enjoying the site the way the first 3-4 years were enjoyable. You know, having fun, joking around with regulars, everyone understanding that we had common interests and were all seeking to come together around those interests and improve our skills. I mean my skills improve by sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I completely enjoyed every little bit of effort I put forth into my answers and questions here.
However, it seems that rather than the moderators understanding that people are people and you can't really dictate how a user chooses to share so drama can and probably will happen at some point, they've seemingly pinned a previous issue on me. And now my perception here is that i'm seen as "Typhoid Mary". Really? I contributed daily for literally years with no real problem. Then there's an issue with one other user and now I'm Satan himself?
I popped in for literally 2 minutes yesterday only to be met with rudeness and clear animosity after this comment (which @Ryan uses as a "example of rudeness").
Scott: Practice. Practice. Practice. Create one and you can then just duplicate it where it's needed. There's also a Spiral Tool -- What have you tried??? If anything..
Really? Please read that with the biggest smile you can put on your face. Now, read it like you were reading it to a 3 year old child. Read it like you'd read it to your grandmother. Read it like you'd read it to your girlfriend/boyfriend. Is there any malice in those words?? Hell no. There was no malice in my heart when I posted that. If it's read with malice, it's the reader's fault. Not mine.
It offered an opinion, a direction to find a solution, and then asked what the user had tried. If my last comment were allowed to remain, I pointed all this out the user.... But alas moderators deleted that comment before the user could actually see me apologize if they percieved my first comment as anything but friendly. I mean I can't even guess what's in any user's mind when they read. In short I can't control how others read 8-bit ascii text. If the moderators want transparency, they'd also post that follow-up comment from me. Seriously guys.. come on.
Yes the moderators will deny this and say it's my fault and I was being "passive aggressive". However, I've been gone for months!!!! What axe could I possibly have to grind?? Maybe they were just having a bad day? Maybe something else was going on?
I've been away, I have no clue what other issues, if any, may exist. I was honestly just dumbfounded (I repeat dumbfounded) by the reception I received. It was the most unfriendly, angry, rude, unwarranted reception I've ever received. I was completely taken off-guard and was essentially blindsided by this complete rancor, so much so I really had no clue how to handle things. And it seems whatever I tried to post (in chat) was only twisted to gain more rancor. The really, really sad thing is by taking this stance the moderators themselves are perpetuating "drama". In an effort to prevent "drama" the moderators are causing drama.
I really want no part of this drama the moderators are stirring up. Again, this is why I struggled with posting this. I'm aware that this post may be perceived as food for their fire. Unfortunately, I have 2 options as I see it... just go away and forget how great this site once was, or make some sort of effort to correct, heal, patch, what's been done to hopefully get things back on track. If not for me directly, then for the staff. My perception is the staff has lost their way. They are trying to control everything, right down to personalities. Again, my perception, maybe I'm wrong. But it seems frankly quite a stretch to tell users "sarcasm" is not allowed. All humor is sarcasm, it just depends upon your personal point of view.
In any subjective field where one puts, what they perceive, as their "heart and soul" in the work, one must have a thick skin. It can be very difficult to take criticism or hear something you've created isn't received well. However, that's the nature of the field in many areas. Design is no different.
In addition, when questions or answers are posted without any real thought or effort behind them, it's not unheard of for other users to ask about them. Asking does not mean there is malice or rancor behind the query. Seeking more information should never be seen as a "problem" or "issue". I wonder where the mods are getting this perception on a Q&A site?
On top of this, human nature is that when one is having a good time, enjoying themselves, and generally trying to be light-hearted... guess what... then tend to kind of joke around or make statements that are trying to be a bit humorous in nature. Now, it's very easy for someone with no sense of humor to take such statements completely differently than they were intended. This is even more true on the 'net where you read in your voice not the voice of the person who has posted something.
To be perfectly honest, if no one is ever to post anything which could be remotely construed as "sarcastic" then why post at all? Face it, what you perceive as playful and helpful, I can perceive as sarcastic.
Coddling the "feelings" of all users is a long, arduous road to hoe, good luck.
The mods have essentially stated "NO JOKING AROUND AT ALL" This is frankly, ludicrous.
You all have gone completely crazy and I suggest the moderators stop trying to control the personalities of users and let them just be users. If a problem arises, then step in and handle it. But this sort of preemptive "you must have the personality we dictate' directive is just against nature.
If moderators are targeting a specific user or group of users... stop being a wimp about it and state that. Your ambiguity serves no purpose other than to "stir up drama" which you claim you are trying to prevent.
I hate to be the one to point this out, but the moderators can't control personalities. Moderators are stirring up drama while claiming they are trying to prevent it. Let users just be users for heaven's sake.